Hope your weekend is going well and this email finds you well.
Today I am moving a little bit slower and with more awareness. The weight of the political world is felt heavier here in MA, but even more so this past Friday. I woke to a silence in the air as everyone seems to be lost in thought. I am grateful for the pause in a rapid, rigorous curriculum and am using the space and leniency of deadlines to breath more deeply.
I always come back to this reminder - how are we taking care of ourselves?
I think I've been swept away in some of my own anxieties since being here, in a new location, with all kinds of new expectations feeling placed upon me. Sometimes we are not capable of seeing the lack of space or lack of care we are giving ourselves and it takes the world's pausing for us to take notice too.
No matter what your relationship to national events, I hope you are taking great care as the collective energy we all must live and breath never fully passes over any single one of us.
Meet me on the mat this week.
Until then. ❤️